⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "We have had this bath toy for several months now and I am very pleased with the overall quality and durability of this toy. My kid has not be gentle and had dropped this thing out of the tub, thrown it around and held it down under the water like it owed him money. I would highly recommend this toy to anyone who has a toddler obsessed with spraying water. When you lift it out of the water it stops spraying immediately which is nice when your kid tries to use it as a weapon to spray you in the face. Make sure you get extra batteries!"
- Jason & Stefanie
The SPLASHY SPROUT is the ultimate bath companion for your child. It's charming cartoon whale design, water spray feature, and captivating colourful flashing lights will turn every bath into a delightful experience. Struggle with getting your young one in the bath? We bet this toy will give them something to look forward to with providing entertainment you can count on.
Safety and durability are paramount when it comes to children's toys. The SPLASHY SPROUT is crafted from high-quality ABS material, featuring rounded edges that prioritise your child's safety. The soft and non-dazzling lights not only provide entertainment but are also safe for young eyes. This bath toy is tasteless, fade-resistant, and engineered to prevent electricity leakage, ensuring it's the most secure and enjoyable option for your child.
Bid farewell to complicated bath toys that require extensive manual operation. The SPLASHY SPROUT is fully automatic and effortless to use. It has the ability to automatically sense water, eliminating the need for manual intervention. Simply place it in the bathtub, and it will automatically absorb water from the bottom and create a mesmerising water column with colourful effects. When you remove it from the water, the SPLASHY SPROUT promptly ceases its activities. This toy is not only engaging but also incredibly convenient for parents, making bath time hassle-free and enjoyable for everyone.
✔️ Charming cartoon whale design
✔️ Water spray and captivating colourful flashing lights
✔️ Crafted from high-quality ABS material with rounded edges
✔️ Gentle and non-dazzling lights
✔️ Fully automatic operation, no manual intervention required
✔️ Suitable for use in the bath, swimming pool, shower, and outdoor adventures
✔️ A perfect gift choice for birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, or parties
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