⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"This little book is FULL of activities to challenge, encourage, and inspire little minds and hands! My toddler could not put it down. He loved the alphabets, dinosaurs, vehicles. He was fascinated with the zipper (once he mastered it)! I am challenging him with the buckles and snaps. It also has "shoes" to introduce tying shoe strings. I love that it is compact, folds easily, has velcro attachments so the items stay in place. When we travel, we have one bag instead of several different toys! I am very pleased with my purchase!! Thank you so much!"
The LEARNLINK Montessori Busy Board is more than just a book; it's a hands-on adventure that stimulates your child's imagination. With rich and colourful printing, this DIY book introduces children to a world of shapes, sizes, colours, and life knowledge while they play. It's a fun way for your child to learn and develop essential skills while enjoying every moment.
This versatile book offers a range of categories for children to explore, including the recognition of different animals and sharing small nuggets of common knowledge. It's more than just education; it's about instilling good reading habits from an early age. Your child will develop language skills, reading ability, sensory perception, communication skills, and a vivid imagination.
We understand the importance of safety and durability when it comes to children's products. The LEARNLINK Montessori Busy Board is made from non-toxic materials, ensuring it's safe for infants and young children. With strong stitches and exceptional craftsmanship, it's built to withstand the rigors of playtime and exploration, providing long-lasting enjoyment for your child.
✔️ Vibrant and rich printing for visual engagement
✔️ Educational activities that promote learning through play
✔️ Diverse categories for recognising animals and life knowledge
✔️ Encourages good reading habits from an early age
✔️ Non-toxic materials for safety
✔️ Strong and durable construction for lasting enjoyment
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