⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I love these night time glasses. They do cut out the glare and the halo from the oncoming lights when driving at night. They are big enough to cover the whole road while wearing them. They fit well too. I also like that it has a bag included to put them in along with a screwdriver to tighten the screws. Very well worth the money."
- Maria Quinn
Our HD polarized lenses drastically reduce glare from roads, water, snow, and other reflective surfaces. This means you can enjoy true color perception and clear vision without the discomfort of reflected or scattered light. Whether you're driving, cycling, or enjoying a sunny day at the beach, you'll see everything in its true, vibrant colors.
FELINE™ sunglasses provide UV400 protection, blocking 99%-100% of harmful UVA and UVB rays. This superior level of protection helps prevent long-term damage to your eyes, keeping them healthy and safe from the sun's harmful effects. With these sunglasses, you can enjoy your outdoor activities without worrying about the impact of UV radiation on your vision
Crafted with premium materials and reinforced hinges, FELINE™ sunglasses are built to last. Their classic yet trendy design makes them suitable for any occasion, whether it's a casual outing or a sports activity. The comfortable fit ensures you can wear them all day without any discomfort, making them the perfect accessory for your active lifestyle.
✔️ Premium construction with reinforced hinges
✔️ HD polarized lenses for glare reduction and true color perception
✔️ UV400 protection against 99%-100% of UVA and UVB rays
By purchasing FELINE™ Sophisticated Cat Eye Sunglasses from Irish Supply, you'll experience the quality of shopping with a trusted provider:
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